Catching the bouquet – Hey, remember this?

This is the first photo as part of my “Hey, remember this” series. If you would like to read what this collection of photos is all about, please click here.

This photo was taken in June 2013 at Neil and Carina’s wedding at The Old Palace in Lincoln.

Early evening Carina remembered she hadn’t thrown her bouquet. I’m sure I recall her saying that her bridesmaid wasn’t around and she needed her to be there.

When everyone had gathered on the lawn, Carina threw her bouquet. Her bridesmaid’s determination to catch the bouquet was priceless.

On looking at the photo more closely there’s so many more reactions in the photo.

Carina, the bride, was helpless laughing at her friend/bridesmaid, Carina’s father (who was a real character) was delighted she’d caught the bouquet, the ladies behind were all laughing but to the left of the bridesmaid were the two young children and it was the little’s girl’s reaction to the far left who caught my attention even on the day. She was still holding her hands out in readiness and looked quite shocked that it was over so quickly! I don’t think she could quite believe she didn’t catch it!

When Carina collected her wedding album we laughed about this photo and I hope it’s a photo you like too.

If you would like to view more of my wedding photos, there are various moments like this in my celebrations and moments gallery. You can also contact me if you would like any information regarding your own wedding.

wedding photography inspiration